About USDA Indiana Hardiness Planting Zones

If you’re looking for USDA Indiana growing zones, the map above can help determine the proper hardiness zone for your area. Knowing the correct zone for where you live in Indiana can make gardening easier and more successful. To determine plant hardiness for your Indiana climate zones, check the map above for the approximate locality in which you live. Compare the growing zone color for your area to the colors found in the legend on the right. Due to the increasing warm climate changes over the years, the above map of Indiana climate zones is based on the 2012 revision of the USDA hardiness zone map. In some instances, the climate changes have resulted in some warmer hardiness zones moving northward. You may find that the map above shows a different zone than you previously thought you lived in. Taking the time to become familiar with the USDA Indiana zones can help ensure the overall health and survival of your plants. Choosing plants that are known to survive in your area on the USDA Indiana map will not require the additional protection as those that are not hardy to the growing conditions in which they will be exposed. In most cases, you can find plants that are suitable for Indiana climate zones at your local nursery. While reputable nurseries may specialize in plants hardy to your area, they may also have non-hardy varieties available. In either case, these plants will be clearly marked as such.