Plane trees are easy to propagate by taking cuttings, but if you’re patient, you can try growing plane trees from seed. Read on to learn how to plant plane tree seeds.

How to Plant Plane Tree Seeds

When preparing for plane tree seed propagation, start a planting bed in spring or summer, in advance of planting in fall. The site should be protected from wind by a wall, hedge, or artificial windbreak. The best soil for plant tree seed propagation is loose and moist. However, plane tree seed propagation can take place in nearly any soil, with the exception of heavy clay. Clear the area of all weeds, then dig in a generous amount of well-rotted leaf mold. Leaf mold contains fungi that improves soil structure and promotes seedling growth. Continue to remove weeds as they sprout, then hill up the soil and rake the bed smooth just prior to planting.

Gathering and Planting Seeds of Plane Trees

Gather seeds of plane trees when they turn brown in autumn or early winter, then plant them in the prepared bed immediately. Cover the seeds lightly with soil, using the back of a rake. Alternatively, keep the seeds cool and dry in the refrigerator for five weeks, then plant them in the prepared bed in late winter or early spring. Soak the seeds for 48 hours, then let them drain before planting.

Germinating Plane Tree Seeds

Water the bed lightly but frequently. Fertilize regularly, using a product formulated for seedlings. A layer of mulch will moderate soil temperature and help keep the soil evenly moist. The young plane trees will be ready to transplant in three to five years.

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